Search Insights
16 July
In June 2024, Blake Morgan hosted two roundtable events for General Counsel (GCs) within our Counsel+ network. The focus of the roundtables was on ‘driving value through in-house legal functions’.... Read Morearticles
12 June
With ‘commerciality’ often cited by the board as a critical requirement for its legal team, it is essential as a General Counsel (GC) to balance commercial vs. legal decision making... Read Morearticles
23 February
General Counsel and their legal teams are facing challenging times but how can they tackle the key issues? As part of our Counsel+ forum, we heard from the Weetabix Head... Read Morearticles
21 November
General counsel are often expected to perform at the highest level (24/7). As a result, setting boundaries, ruthless prioritisation and learning to say ‘no’ are paramount in order to ensure... Read Morearticles
17 March
Key emerging real estate trends and a market update were on the agenda for a Counsel+ Real Estate roundtable event on 9 March. Partner George Panteli and Legal Director Angela... Read Morearticles
15 November
The current economic climate is increasing scrutiny of external legal spend like never before with pressure to reduce costs only likely to increase if the economy falls into a prolonged... Read Morearticles
21 July
In July 2022, Blake Morgan hosted two roundtable events for GCs within our Counsel+ network. The focus of the roundtables was on managing and maintaining an effective in-house legal team. Read More