The Procurement Hub

Specialist lawyers advising organisations on the impact of this legislation

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The Procurement Act

The new Procurement Act will impact the procurement process for public sector organisations and private sector organisations who bid for work within the public sector.

Blake Morgan’s specialist procurement team provide expert legal advice on the impact of this legislation for public and private sector organisations. We have extensive experience assisting public and third sector clients with their procurement process from start to finish of the process, advising both bidders and contracting authorities, including advice on strategic and procedural issues as well as on challenges arising from public procurements. Our understanding of the practical impact which the Act will have, and for those clients in the healthcare space, the additional implications of the new provider selection regime and its Welsh equivalent means that we can help your organisation navigate the changes happing within public sector procurement.

We act for a variety of private sector clients ranging from large multi-national companies to charities and SMEs. We also act for a substantial number of public sector organisations throughout the UK including Welsh Government, NHS England, NHS Wales Shared Services, all Local Health Boards in Wales, NHS bodies including CCGs and Trusts and a number of local authorities.

Get ready for change webinar series

Procurement is changing, get ready with Blake Morgan. We will be running a series of webinars that will focus on different aspects of the new legislation. Find out more about these webinars and sign up to relevant sessions below.

Procurement law update – 20 March

Are you a “contracting authority”? Are you sure? – 18 April

Whistlestop tour of the Procurement Act 2023 – 16 May

Standstill, challenges and remedies under the Procurement Act 2023 – 6 June

Blake Morgan’s In-person session on the Procurement Act 2023 – 16 July

Exclusion and debarment Procurement Act 2023 – 12 September

Social value opportunities under the Procurement Act 2023 – 3 October

Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act – 5 December