Legal Services Frameworks

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Why choose Blake Morgan?

"Blake Morgan have a lot of top quality lawyers with great emphasis on commercially sensible outcomes. They are calm, experienced and know the law. Very reassuring.”
- Legal 500, 2024

Blake Morgan is a full-service law firm with offices across the UK, in London, Oxford, Reading, Southampton and Cardiff. We are trusted advisers to many leading players, including a number of police authorities, local and central government and not-for-profit organisations, as well as a portfolio of multinational companies (public and private), major high street and corporate banks and retailers. Our clients tell us that what sets us apart from other law firms is our understanding of the environment in which they work, their organisational goals and challenges, our human touch and our in-depth knowledge of the markets in which they operate.

Supporting our clients

Blake Morgan is proud to act for a wide range of public institutions including police authorities, the NHS, regulatory bodies, local, devolved and central government, and healthcare providers. Our clients also include major corporates, airlines, charities, property developers, social housing providers and insolvency practitioners as well as SMEs and high net worth individuals. This means we operate in the markets in which our clients’ counterparts operate, giving a greater breadth and depth of expertise to our advice.