Blake Morgan is an Equality City business

Posted on 1st February 2024

Blake Morgan is a For Cardiff, Equality City Business, showcasing the culture of the leading law firm.

This article is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

For Cardiff is a not-for-profit Business Improvement District that was created in 2016 to help enhance Cardiff city centre.

The membership organisation has collectively invested over £7.5million into making the city more welcoming, vibrant and influential through award-winning campaigns, projects and initiatives.

Businesses have to evidence policies, strategy, training and commitments to ensure that they are an Equality City Business, which is what Blake Morgan has done.

Eve Piffaretti, Partner and Head of Office in Cardiff, commented:

It is fantastic for Blake Morgan to be recognised as an Equality City Business. As a firm we have an excellent culture, backed up by policies and an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy. Our staff receive EDI training and we have an EDI Champion as well as an EDI committee.

The people here, alongside our strategy and commitment, really do help make Blake Morgan an Equality City Business.

Mae Blake Morgan yn Fusnes Dinas Cydraddoldeb

Mae Blake Morgan wedi ei enwi’n Fusnes Dinas Cydraddoldeb, ‘For Cardiff’, gan adnbaod diwylliant y cwmni cyfreithiol blaenllaw.

Mae ‘For Cardiff’ yn Ardal Gwella Busnes nid-er-elw a grëwyd yn 2016 i helpu i wella canol dinas Caerdydd.

Gyda’i gilydd, mae aelodaeth ‘For Cardiff’ wedi buddsoddi dros £7.5miliwn i wneud y ddinas yn fwy croesawgar, ffyniannus a dylanwadol trwy ymgyrchoedd, prosiectau a mentrau arobryn.

Mae’n rhaid i fusnesau ddangos tystiolaeth o bolisïau, strategaeth, hyfforddiant ac ymrwymiadau i sicrhau eu bod yn Fusnes Dinas Cydraddoldeb, sef yr hyn y mae Blake Morgan wedi’i wneud.

Dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Partner a Phennaeth Swyddfa Caerdydd:

“Mae’n wych fo Blake Morgan wedi ei gydnabod fel Busnes Dinas Cydraddoldeb. Fel cwmni, mae gennym ddiwylliant ardderchog, wedi’i ategu gan bolisïau a strategaeth Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (‘EDI’). Mae ein staff yn derbyn hyfforddiant EDI ac mae gennym Hyrwyddwr EDI yn ogystal â phwyllgor EDI.

“Mae’r bobl yma, ynghyd â’n strategaeth a’n hymrwymiad, wir yn helpu i wneud Blake Morgan yn Fusnes Dinas Cydraddoldeb.”

Dysgwch fwy am Blake Morgan yng Nghaerdydd yma ac am For Cardiff yma.


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