Offering specialist advice and representation in cases concerning the arrangements for children, parents and grandparents
Blake Morgan’s Family Team includes a team of Children Law solicitors who specialise in advising and representing separated and/or divorced parents who don’t agree over the arrangements which need to be made for their children. Our solicitors also act for grandparents who have been prevented from seeing their grandchildren. We can provide tailored advice and (where no other course of action is possible) legal representation in the Family Court.
Main Areas Of Practice
Child Arrangement Order
Where there is disagreement about with whom the children should live or how much time they should spend with each parent, our solicitors can help by drafting Parenting Plans, to include Parental Responsibility Agreements, in the event that they can be resolved by negotiation. In the absence of an agreement, we will apply to the Family Court for Child Arrangement or Parental Responsibility Orders.
Relocation cases
For parents wishing to move within England and Wales or abroad with their children, whether temporarily or permanently, who do not have the consent of the other parent, we can advise as to the legal merits of the case and request the necessary permission from the Family Court.
Separate Together
There a variety of ways that we can work with you as a couple, to include mediation and collaborative law.
Specific Issue and Prohibited Steps Orders
It is essential to be proactive where it is not possible to agree what you wish for your children. Applications can be made to the Court to obtain clarification on what is in the best interests of the child in terms of one specific issue, for example which school the child should attend or whether they should undergo a medical procedure.
Sadly, family breakdown can all too often lead to grandparents becoming estranged from their grandchildren. We have expertise in acting for those who are affected; including the provision of legal representation in Court should an application for a Child Arrangements Order be necessary.
Our Clients
Our Children Law solicitors offer specialist advice and representation in cases concerning the arrangements for children, parents and grandparents who find themselves involved in Family Court proceedings. We also offer mediation and collaborative practice for those cases where it is possible to avoid a Court-based approach.
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